Nature Pod

A monthly adventure into the wonders of nature with hands on activities and experiences

including planting, painting, crafting, climbing, enchanting forest play, and meeting farm animals.

Where the beauty of childhood and the wonders of nature meet:

Our Nature Pod meet ups invite young children to explore and experience the richness of nature. With friendly farm animals to meet, an exquisite indigenous forest to roam, wide open space, and something always on the go on the farm, we couldn’t not share these magical experiences with others. A combination of our popular farm tours, and forest club, the Nature Pod aims to provide a diverse experience.

The idea to run the Nature Pod was born primarily out of the exciting adventures we have with our son on the farm, watching his delight in the natural world and a desire to share this. Behind this, is the stories our neighbour used to delight us with of raising her children on this farm some some 40 years ago where the local children would all visit each others farms and homes each week and learn in nature. Perhaps one day it will grow to include several families:)

Each session is unique and co-created by the children. Some structured activities help to break the ice, some bits and bobs thoughtfully laid out spark curiosity and creativity, and the rest is up to the children! Sometimes we will spend almost the whole time in the forest, sometimes we will visit the farm, sometimes we will engage with what is happening on the farm, sometimes we’ll just walk through the forest, sometimes we’ll wallow in the stream and collect rocks. What is guaranteed is a different experience each time, growth and learning - and almost always getting dirty!

A farm is a constant buzz of activity. Children love to help and this should always be encouraged. With our friendly and ever patient staff willing to allow children to join in, we encourage the Nature Pod visiotrs to get stuck in. As a diverse farm, this is a great way for children to understand where their food comes from, to learn an appreciation for the production of food, that hard work, the stewardship of animals. Perhaps children want to help rake, or clean out a stable, or collect eggs, or feed the chickens. There is immense value in doing meaningful work. moving their bodies in different ways and working with different people.

Activities may include nature based crafts, games, adventuring through the forest, mud painting, balancing on trees and roots, climbing, swinging, singing, reading, feeding animals, collecting eggs, drawing

Clambering over rocks and slippery moss allow children to test their limits, to engage in risky play and build their confidence.

These are opportunities for children to experience a new environment, less structure engage with other children, appreciate and experience the richness of nature.

For now, our Nature Pod meet ups take place once a month, and a more regularly during school holidays. Join our Whatsapp group for updates on the next meet up